Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Message Sixty Three

Today was quite a day.  It started with Elizabeth holding off from breakfast because having a camera pushed down your throat can make you feel sick.  The head of the endoscope has a light and some scissors.  The surgeon cut off the PEG in Liz's stomach and the tube came out.  Amazingly the stomach reacts immediately to block the hole and Liz has had no discomfort.   She was able to eat by lunchtime.  Last weekend Liz requested a meal from the kosher menu.  A little while later one of the kitchen staff visited her in a bit of a fluster and asked "Are you Jewish?"  Liz said no, but she fancied trying all the food on offer.  The cook confessed that there were no kosher meals, but they would get them for Monday.  Today Liz had baked cod, suitable for kosher and Jain diets.  African Caribbean is still her top recommendation so far.

This afternoon we had her second Care Plan meeting with her Nurse, OT, Physio and Speech Therapist.  It was exciting to reread the previous minutes from the 26th November and note what great strides Liz has made.  6 weeks ago she was eating pureed food and still using the PEG for water.  Today there are no restrictions on what she can eat from any part of the world.  Liz is close to being able to transfer off the bed into her chair with the banana board.  Then she will be able to travel in a car.  Next she will be able to come home for the weekend.

The therapists said that while what they can offer her is succeeding, it's best to stay in rehab.  The challenge is, as R said "Hope for the best, plan for the worst."  We have faith that Liz will fully recover from this, but we do not know how long it will take.  That is the test of faith.

 She will find out what Sheffield Uni has to offer for people who use wheelchairs, in case that might be needed.

Yesterday Liz saw her old primary school friend Miriam, who now lives in Australia.  They made so much noise they were asked to leave the bay.  In the evening she saw some old school friends who she hadn't seen for a couple of years.  She really enjoyed their company.

Liz suggested that I put this song she has written in the past on the blog for anyone who is interested.


  1. She's a really great songwriter!! God bless you all.

  2. Follow the links and find a couple of dozen songs by a this talented singer/songwriter.

  3. Amazing- just thrilled to read all of these updates.

  4. Uplifting song! What a great songwriter and performer Liz is. So heartening to hear of her continuing steps of healing and recovery. Xx


Message Eighty Eight (the END... and a beginning)

I've decided to take up the mantle and write the blog myself. I've started a new one because I didn't want to write for my own t...