Sunday, January 13, 2019

Message Sixty Four

Elizabeth tells me I am obsessing, but there is something compelling about statistics (anyone?)

The stats so far.

143 different people have visited Liz in hospital - 35% have visited more than once.
27% visited in Sheffield and 17% have been to both hospitals.
1.86 new visitors visited per day in Sheffield as opposed to 0.74 per day in Leicester.
67% Female to 33% male visitors, 40% were students (or of student age).
15 were uni friends, and 16 were old school friends.

To me this illustrates how loved and cared for, Liz and our family have been, and there is no change in your support, love and prayers.  We are truly blessed.

Comparison of visitor numbers
in Sheffield and Leicester
Today Margaret and I found Liz in the staff office with Ghizlane, the deputy Sister, discussing something important (not sure what).  Liz continues to have more movement in her left side, but not enough yet to allow me to take her in our car to get measured up for a new wheelchair tomorrow.  She will go with Lindsay, her OT in a disabled taxi.  However, it won't be long before she is free to travel with us.

Liz's top tip for hospital living is to go for the Kosher meals (for those who can eat anything).  
She has been discussing her new sitcom based on the ward with staff.  Her role as 'eyes and ears' on bay 2 (Baywatch) has had consequences.  last night, she told me, she had a dream where the other elderly ladies in her ward got away in the night when she was asleep.  Stressful.

While Liz is improving, and her physio, OT and Speech Therapy is going so well, she is staying put.  
We have another care plan meeting at the end of next month.


  1. 60% of purchasers of kosher products do so for food quality rather than religion. 51% purchase kosher meats for health reasons. 34% buy kosher meat for food safety reasons.


Message Eighty Eight (the END... and a beginning)

I've decided to take up the mantle and write the blog myself. I've started a new one because I didn't want to write for my own t...