Monday, January 28, 2019

Message Sixty Eight

Our Scottish readers would have noted that I neglected to say that last Friday was Burns' Night.  This featured in the Speech Therapy Communications Group quiz. Elizabeth said, not surprisingly, it came to her to explain what Burns' Night is, and indeed who Robbie Burns  was, and what he wrote.  An English degree comes in handy at all times.

Elizabeth continues to make steady progress.  She is doing her transfers quickly, and it's a relief to be able to get about the ward in her wheelchair.  Liz continues to be very encouraged by her visitors, who come even when not feeling great themselves, or making round trips from Sheffield.

We have been discussing the options for next year, with Sheffield University explaining what disabled accommodation they have.  We figure that it is best to make plans for the most difficult out-come in September 2019.

Our discussions have continued about what all this brain hemorrhage and recovery might be all about.  Is it just a bad thing?  Elizabeth says whatever it is, it is an experience, and she sees that along with the other 15 people in her ward, she is learning a lot about what is important in life.  For her she is also learning about trusting in God.   I said "so you'd say it's as sensible to say 'heal me instantly God from this hemorrhage' as it might be to say 'let me have my degree now', without doing the concomitant work."  She said- "yes, something like that."

1 comment:

  1. The question of why something happened may pop up from time to time, but then perhaps more realistically you could say, "What have I learned from it..." which ends up being much more positive and helpful in the longer run... it then becomes a point of growth rather than the great happening that it was... it will always be a major point in one's life but turning it round takes a long time.... so don't worry if you fall into times when you are upset and feel like you struggle to manage what used to be so easy as life is such a struggle day to day... :-(
    Praying for Perseverance for you Liz, constancy and a knowledge that God holds you in his hands whatever the future may hold for you.


Message Eighty Eight (the END... and a beginning)

I've decided to take up the mantle and write the blog myself. I've started a new one because I didn't want to write for my own t...