Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Message Fifty Eight

Happy Christmas to all our readers!

Liz was amazed when A (HCA) arrived yesterday with Liz's Elf uniform. She had asked if she could be 'Santa's little helper.'   Helen, the ward Sister, declared that she was now working for the National Elf Service. Liz was given a badge stating that she is 'Patient in Charge'.

We joined M, the Chaplain, in the hospital Chapel to celebrate the birth of Jesus.
Liz had attempted to stay up late with the night staff to see Christmas in, but was told later that the coffee on the ward is decaf.  She slept very well.  

Liz, Margaret and Auntie Ruth then toured Liz's old wards in to wish everyone a "Merry Christmas".  Margaret made a photographic collection of the various art works about the hospital.  Cousins Sarah and Emma then arrived from Oxford.  Finally Maria, a Mexican friend from Sheffield, came to see Liz.  She has been staying with a friend in Oadby.
Christmas Lunch in the Cafeteria

Liz and Sarah
Liz visiting ICU

Exhibit One

Exhibit Two - bedpans

Exhibit Three- on Liz's ward

Opening gifts today

Another set of sisters
An elfish look

What elfish feet!


  1. Lovely look how far you have come! Love and prayers
    Pauline and the Northern Starr xx

  2. Merry Christmas to you all! Elizabeth looks quite fetching in that elf outfit!

  3. Merry Christmas to you all! Hope you had a lovely day! Elizabeth certainly looks like she enjoyed it. Tejal ❤

  4. We Szejnmanns are thinking of you and looking forward to catching up in the New Year.
    I will teach you some interesting vocal exercises!
    Though you might not get many visitors after they hear strange sounds and non sensical words!
    Much love. Kate & Co

  5. Not a surprise that Elizabeth and her family go around encouraging and helping others on Christmas day. So lovely to see you all, especially the big-eared elf!


Message Eighty Eight (the END... and a beginning)

I've decided to take up the mantle and write the blog myself. I've started a new one because I didn't want to write for my own t...