Friday, April 5, 2019

Message Eighty Six (by Elizabeth)

I had a good second day, the first I unsurprisingly feel a bit rocky. I had a long
session with the much-acclaimed speech therapist. She is really nice. She said she once had a patient who had strained their voice trying to do a poo. Careful everyone. The neuro-psyches are looking out for me and have taken it upon themselves to help me with my dissertation and are gonna take me to the library. They also did some complex testing and the answer is, surprise surprise, I'm very bright but impulsive. They're gonna look at how I can help this. (I blew the memory and word-defining tests out the water obvs).

I heard the phrase 'hydro' and looked up like a dog catching a sent. They take a man to hydro Friday afternoon in Hinckley (as the General, although closer, is hard to book). I told the physios l love "splish splash", but they can only take one at the moment but at least I said. She said I will be having daily physio though so yay.

They're very accommodating to me and different rules apply to different people depending on their needs, so I can like, go out for a meal in the evenings, not the back by 8 rule of the hospital.

I am getting used to doing step-transfers with two, and I have been wearing my foot splint a lot more because of this. I've quickly got used to my own room though I miss the communal banter. Most of all I like the control of the light and can make it nicely dark


  1. I'm still waiting for the arm sling to go. All best wishes.

  2. Good to see you in your new room. Glad the step transfers are going better. Great that you have daily physio and there are some neuro types helping you too :-) All Best wishes... PennyB :-)

  3. I'm so glad you've settled in! And that everything is going well. Tejal❤

  4. Go Elizabeth!! You're a true bright spark 🌟🌟🌟


Message Eighty Eight (the END... and a beginning)

I've decided to take up the mantle and write the blog myself. I've started a new one because I didn't want to write for my own t...