Friday, January 4, 2019

Message Sixty One

At the start of the New Year, I want to say thank you to you.  We have been so touched and blessed by the constant love and kindness you have shown each one of us.  So thank you

A typical day for Elizabeth:

"I slept well.  I woke at 6:00 when the nurses came to check me.  Then I dozed until my neighbour switched on the TV very loudly at 7:00.  It's the News and generally someone is making objectionable and upsetting comments about immigration."  Then breakfast - toast in bed - not a great combination, the crumbs go everywhere.  Washing might be a 'bed bath', or a shower, or 'washing and dressing' with the OTs.  This is classed as an activity because it can take two hours.  Basically it's Liz washing and dressing herself with a bit of help from her 'friends'. 

Then some 'physio', which, at the moment, is learning to stand up from the side of the bed.  Next week she will have her first visit to the hydrotherapy pool. 

Communication group covers fairly basic topics generally. The questions can get tough, but never hard enough to fox Liz.  (For example, "Who was the US president after George Washington?"  Every American first grader can tell you that*.)  I asked Liz what her speech therapist had said was the reason for her attending.  "To learn to speak loudly and clearly."  The group divided into a number of teams.  Liz named her team 'Baywatch' (hospital bay..?)  She said the men chose a very boring name (team men), similar to the unimaginative name given to the plastic cup snowman (snowy).

Liz is concerned that she may be becoming 'institutionalised'.  She noted that she has always been a part of an institution.  School, College, University, Jury hospital.  What next?  Prison? 
I asked her what crime would get her there.  "Speed offences"...wheelchair speeding!



  1. On migration: I have long believed that migration, even in the (apparently) mild form of the 'brain drain', is always a tragedy. Living in Istanbul, a city that has grown sevenfold in my lifetime, I see it all the time.

  2. Of course it's John Adams, as in the John Adams song, sung by mad King George...-


Message Eighty Eight (the END... and a beginning)

I've decided to take up the mantle and write the blog myself. I've started a new one because I didn't want to write for my own t...