Monday, December 17, 2018

Message Fifty Four

Elizabeth's ward has a large clock with the day and the date clearly displayed.  The days are ticking by.  Every day Liz continues to be positive and humorous.  I continue to reflect that this is pretty amazing.  Today, her therapists did not visit, but a group of doctors did.  Liz told me that they started badly by talking about her by her bed side.  Liz called out to them and said, "I'm here, you can talk to me."  She said they all apologised and explained that they were reading her notes trying desperately to get themselves up to date so they could have an intelligent conversation with her.  Liz asked them to think about whether she can come off the anti-epileptic medication which was prescribed in the first week in Sheffield.  Also she felt that she did not need the neurological painkillers.  The only pain she experiences is having to go to the toilet.  It's a right faff, requiring being hoisted in and out of bed.  Sometimes it is also physically painful, but she's coping.  The simple functions of life are basic but critical.  Liz told me put it in the blog. It's real.

Liz also discussed with her Dietitian whether she can come off the PEG feed.  They agreed that she doesn't need any food through the PEG as she is eating well.  However, it will stay for now because once it's out, that's it, it's gone.

Elizabeth's visitors continue to do her proud.  Her school friends visit regularly.  Vaidehee came all the way from Norwich.  Elizabeth's great aunt and uncles travelled miles to see her this week, from Salisbury and from Najac in France.   Kathy from our church visited (her mother was once a nurse at The General).   Roger and Helen came from York today.  Our friends the Carrs joined Liz in the gym.  We have been trying to obey the 'numbers' rule by using other rooms away from the ward including 'The Retreat'. This feels a bit like a railway station waiting room because it is right next to an automated voice by the front door telling visitors to "wash your hands and protect our patients".


  1. I love your Christmas card--thank you and well done. I'm amazed at your progress & your dogged perseverance, good on you Liz & praise and thanks to our Heavenly Father. May the Peace of Christ be with you this Christmas. I continue to pray daily for your recovery. Love Ruth(gran Margaret s friend) x x

  2. So happy to hear that Elizabeth is still as resolute and humorous as ever. She has all my love and I hope to see her soon. Tejal ❤

  3. Love the Christmas card and your news... Continue praying love Pennyb xx

  4. Love the Christmas card! Who would have thought you’d be writing your own Christmas wishes in September? Sending much love to you, Elizabeth. You are an amazing person. Joanna x


Message Eighty Eight (the END... and a beginning)

I've decided to take up the mantle and write the blog myself. I've started a new one because I didn't want to write for my own t...