Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Message Forty Eight

Today we had a big meeting in the day-room.  Liz's OT chaired the meeting.

  • The Doctor said she would get the scans from Sheffield sent to Leicester for Liz to see.  She also hasn't seen her MRI scan yet.  
  • Her Speech Therapist discussed diction and swallowing. It's still 'yogurt' morning, noon and night. We discussed the difference between water and custard.  Water can slip down into the lungs.  A small amount is fine, but not custard.  Liz is handling the custard ok though, so no drinking yet.
  • Her Physio student discussed the gradual steps taking place every day (they have a good laugh together). This included a return to the 'tilt-table', last used in Sheffield, though it is now a much more stable experience of being vertical.
  • The nurses were pleased with Liz.  She is healthy, and has not caught the flu. 
  • The OT rounded off with a message to Liz to continue to believe in her left side. When she washes, her OT gets her left hand and lifts it to help her wash. She has never given up with any part of her body.
  • The doctor thought she would be in hospital for another 3 to 4 months.  

It was a good meeting, but was quite hard for me to hear their dispassionate description of our experiences.  We think Liz has made amazing strides.   Here we were examining the long slow up hill path.  Elizabeth continues to be positive and up beat.  We smiled to ourselves when the OT said that she knew that Liz was religious and might need to go to church on Christmas Day.  Liz said being in hospital was fine.  She is going to the Chapel with the Baptist Chaplain on Sunday.  We might just join her on Christmas day.

The Niblocks visited Liz in the morning with a small gift from Rwanda.  We had a lovely time with Asli again in the evening.

Liz has been moved into a open women's ward with three other people.  That's her eighth move.  I figure that the evening injections and constant moves ensure that no one gets too settled down in hospital.   It's not home.


  1. tilt
    gerund or present participle: tilting

    move or cause to move into a sloping position.
    "the floor tilted slightly"
    synonyms: lean, tip, list, slope, camber, bank, slant, incline, pitch, dip, cant, bevel, angle, cock, heel, careen, bend, be at an angle
    "his hat tilted forward a little"
    antonyms: level, right, be/come level, be/come upright
    change or cause to change in favour of one person or thing as opposed to another.
    "the balance of industrial power tilted towards the workers"
    move (a camera) in a vertical plane.
    "tilting the camera causes convergence of upright lines"
    (in jousting) thrust at with a lance or other weapon.
    "he tilts at his prey"
    synonyms: charge, rush, run; More
    lunge, prod, poke, jab, thrust
    "he tilts at his prey"
    joust, tourney, enter the lists;
    contend, spar, fight, clash
    "like a knight tilting at a wayside tournament"
    engage in a contest with.
    "I resolved never to tilt with a French lady in compliment"
    Hope Liz enjoys this /Dx

  2. Custard is Ollie’s favourite. I told him Elizabeth was allowed to eat some in hospital and he thought that was very cool! Hoping to be up at Dave’s for new year so we can pop in for a visit again. I think we’ll see a huge amount of progress since last time. She’s such an amazing woman full of faith and fight - such an inspiration x

  3. Elizabeth is probably the most amazing person I know. Her amazingness is made even more impressive by her humility and faith. We love you!

  4. Really good news ! We are very encouraged and continue to be thankful for all that has been achieved Elizabeth is very inspiring. What a gem


Message Eighty Eight (the END... and a beginning)

I've decided to take up the mantle and write the blog myself. I've started a new one because I didn't want to write for my own t...