Friday, October 5, 2018

Message Thirteen

It's two weeks now, but the time seems to have flown by.  I'm not sure whether Elizabeth would agree.  Today she sat in a chair again, and it looked a bit more upright than last time.  This forced her to hold some of the weight of her head, which she did for a couple of hours. It seemed like agony, but she did it. 

We had a long discussion with a senior nurse, P, about Elizabeth's move back to Leicester.  We agreed that she would probably choose to live in Sheffield, but in reality, we need to be part of her care plan.

P also spoke frankly about his experience of recovery.  Whereas all the professionals are telling us anything can happen, he noted that we should prepare ourselves for how Elizabeth might have long term disabilities, and described how these might be managed.  Apparently Liz could be moved to Leicester with 24 hours notice.

My aunt and uncle visited Liz this morning.  Unfortunately Liz was not really receptive, because she was so uncomfortable.  We went out to lunch together and walked around the park.  We are getting to be able to show off our new city (bearing in mind that we are on 24 hour notice to leave).

In the afternoon, we had a visit from Joanna's Godfather Tom (who happens to also to be a consultant neurologist).  He brought a book called 'The Explorer' by Kathrine Rundell, which we thought we would read together.  Elizabeth squeezed my hand in consent.  So, after two weeks it looks like we have a plan about how to fill the long hours, music and reading.  Now that's original.


  1. What a tremendous effort Elizabeth is making. We are very impressed by all of you.

  2. We're praying from Loughborough. May our way-making God make a way like he has done time and time again for so many. Keep going Elizabeth! We're cheering you on like crazy and speaking hope, peace and healing into your situation.

    Andy and Sarah Brackett

  3. Keeping on praying for this journey. I've sent some letters to the Sheffield hospital as well, which may or may not arrive before you leave.

  4. So much to absorb. We are encouraged to hear of visits and time in the chair! A friend who survived a very traumatic car accident here with very serious injuries said to me about her recovery that she was still Lori- just a different kind of Lori. However much progress Elizabeth makes she will still be Elizabeth perhaps just a different kind of Elizabeth, hopefully better ( if that’s even possible!!) love and hugs xxx

  5. God is faithful. He will not forget your labour of love. Thank you for the updates. We continue to stand with you in prayer with our hands raised to He who is able to do the impossible. His report is what we hold onto. The Rock of ages. Elizabeth you are a precious Child of the most high God. You are covered by the Blood .Every little step and change on your journey is in his plan. Well done Elizabeth. Well done Starrs.

  6. Thank you, Andrew, for telling us so openly about how Elizabeth is doing and how you are all feeling too. I am in awe of the resilience and love and trust that you convey. It may be small steps, but Elizabeth really seems to be making progress in her recovery. She is so brave and determined. Thinking of you all every day.


Message Eighty Eight (the END... and a beginning)

I've decided to take up the mantle and write the blog myself. I've started a new one because I didn't want to write for my own t...