Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Message Ten

Today started pretty badly, but by the end I think we all felt more peaceful.  Over night there were concerns Liz had had a seizure.  She was given a EEG which came back negative (negative is good).  Also a CT scan showed there were no signs of any further bleeding in her brain.  Poor Elizabeth also felt that she had lost the use of her right leg.  What's going on?  This is crazy.

Adam and Fran called in and we went off to a cafe for a rest.  When we got back we saw the doctors on a ward round.  J, the anesthetist, asked if we had any questions.  I said we were distressed that Elizabeth seemed to have lost feeling in her right leg.  Liz, eyes closed, started vigorously wiggling her toes.  All the junior doctors breathed a sign of relief.  I had a big smile.

I have discovered that we are not alone. So many of you are carrying heart aches, and burdens for loved ones.  You have been doing so for years.  My eyes have been opened.  Some of you have lost children and family members in tragic circumstances.

We will get though this. We do not know what the rollercoaster ahead is like.  I am reminded of going to Legoland with by nephew Emre when he was young.  We went on a ride together.  At first it travelled gently round a display of Lego figures.  Then the big dipper started.  Emre and I clung to each other.  "This is the bit I don't like", he said. 

Today I felt that Elizabeth has better control over her facial muscles.  She can hold her lips together.   Her eyes look as if they are co-ordinating better with each other.  She has also received some lovely cards and gifts, each one thoughtfully and lovingly chosen or made.


  1. Your experiences suddenly open up a whole, new community of people who have suffered greatly. I should imagine this is both helpful and sad all at the same time.
    We are praying in my small group at church. These are people who I hardly know and certainly don’t know you but because we are a fellowship of believers we pray like you are our own. Hugs xxx

  2. I watched a video today which made me laugh and for a brief second I was going to send it to Elizabeth. Then I cried and cried. Then I prayed. I know that God makes all things work together for the good of those who love him. I know how much Liz loves him and I know he is cradling her in his arms. You are not walking alone in this, in any sense. Be blessed, Anny (friend from the Well)

  3. We pray for you all. In trust, in hope, in faith; we pray for you. Much love DESJJx

  4. Good to hear of movement on the left side of the body. Youth and strength are on her side. What does she have to entertain her - apart from the company of beloved family and friends?

  5. Constantly thinking of and praying for Elizabeth, and all of you. Thank you for doing this blog. We all at TLC are with you, heart and soul. X


Message Eighty Eight (the END... and a beginning)

I've decided to take up the mantle and write the blog myself. I've started a new one because I didn't want to write for my own t...