Monday, October 1, 2018

Message Nine

We have been concerned for the health of our hospital.  I helped Liz's nurse H fill out an incident form when a heavy roller fell from the lift door (recorded as a near miss).  This is a 16 storey hospital and the lifts are essential.  Today for a time, only one lift was working.  A few days ago we were amazed to see the lift doors open with the lift half way up to the ceiling.  A muscle man walked over and lifted down an extremely fragile elderly lady.  It was bizarre.  We noticed that nearly all the staff walk up the stairs, and we have started to join them. Level K = 11 flights of stairs.  A sign says 345 accents equals Ben Nevis and 1540 equals Everest.

Elizabeth saw her very good friend Anna, and Joe today.  She continues to be understandably, very despondent. We realise that we need to pace ourselves and get into a healthy routine of taking breaks.  Joanna is particularly exhausted.  We discussed with the staff about the plan for Liz to move to Leicester.  Also there is talk of her having a PEG feed, which means food going straight into her stomach, rather than through her nose.  This illustrates how serious her disability is at the moment.  We pray that she, that is we, has/have the strength to cope with the long hours that appear to be ahead. Margaret are I are so grateful that both of our work situations are 100% with us.  We could not be better supported both in the hospital, and Sheffield as a whole.


  1. Look after yourselves. We pray that you will rise up on the wings of eagles, walk and not be weary, run and not grow faint. You are constantly in our thoughts and prayers and we eagerly await every blog installment. It is so helpful to know what to pray for amd we are with you in praying for 100% recovery.

  2. Thank you Andrew. Another informative update. We are praying against depression for Elizabeth. We can’t imagine how exhausting it is for you all. Love and hugs xxx

  3. It is great that your colleagues are helping. Kelham Island Museum and Peveril Castle look like good places to visit. Love to all, especially Elizabeth.

  4. We are praying for all of you. May you be given strength,patience,and grace to walk the long road to recovery,and may you experience the faithfulness of the Father through it all. Thank you for the updates Andrew.

  5. Thank you for keeping us updated. We at Warwick University are praying for Elizabeth and thinking of you all during this time. Pass on my love to Elizabeth.


Message Eighty Eight (the END... and a beginning)

I've decided to take up the mantle and write the blog myself. I've started a new one because I didn't want to write for my own t...