Sunday, October 7, 2018

Message Fifteen

I think we all felt happier and more positive today than yesterday.  Joanna, Margaret and Andrew went for an early morning walk in the Peaks near Bradfield.  It was exhilarating, with views over to Stanage Edge on the one side, and on the other, Sheffield, which for once looked flat.

We found Liz was in a chair again, continuing to practice balancing her head.  Together, we listened to a recording of a moving bit of singing by a  Mizo choir sent by Susie.  Elizabeth did well, but was relieved to be lifted back into bed.  Her chest is improving.  Tomorrow, she will have her feeding tube fitted straight into her stomach (called a PEG).  This will free up her throat and reduce the risk of infection. 

At lunch time, after a pie in a pub, we went to Weston Park where a Circus event was going on.  Margaret went into the museum searching for coffee.  She came out into the park only to discover that Andrew and Joanna had run off and joined the circus.   She found them dressed in circus attire waving to her from a caravan.  This turned out to be a light-hearted, minor diversion, and we were soon back in the real world on Level K with Elizabeth being entertained by Joanna's wonderful reading.

Liz was visited today by Adam, Tash and Anny.  I think she appreciated their visit, but the last time she was not able to say one word for over two weeks was when she was a very young child.


  1. glad liz could listen to the song! I love the image of Margaret finding you two dressed up in a caravan- the last time I saw Liz she was dressed as a banana, but i didnt realise fancy dress was a family hobby ;) sending lots of love

  2. Thank you Jesus for every positive step in her recovery.

  3. That sounds quite encouraging. More along these lines please.


Message Eighty Eight (the END... and a beginning)

I've decided to take up the mantle and write the blog myself. I've started a new one because I didn't want to write for my own t...